This game and I go way back even though I never really got to play it until now. It started way back in the day when I first saw the adds in EGM. In early 2000s I would acquire a used 3do, and since this predates my ebay days I didn't have much luck finding the game. So I had a 3do with no games. 2005ish I found a ripped version of the pc game that nothing worked on because there was no fmv, and the game crashed as soon as I got to the mansion. Fast forward a few more years and im trying it out on the 3do emulator. The controls sucked, and the graphics were nowhere near what I remembered. So I just forgot about it until this passed October.
Finally this passed October night dive did a good remaster. It is a mix of 3do, and pc elements. You have the level design of the pc, the enemies from the 3do(that you can switch to the pc version enemies if you want to). They did a wonderful job up scaling the video. You feel as if your playing the add from the magazine thirty years ago.
The game play is perfect with updated controls that feel as natural as any other fps. No enemies act like sponges, and there is an abundance of ammo around every turn. The music is a mixed bag there were times it immersed you in the atmosphere, and sometimes it just left you wondering why. Yes the audio is what the original developers intended you to hear, so that's pretty much what you get.
The level design is massive. It is pretty much one big level, one very big level. There were times I was lost for probably an hour. I ended up using a very old walk through finding out I didn't quite go far enough after a long trek. Finding the endgame doors was another part I did before releasing Seth, and learning the paths to them.
The story line is cheesy 90's, but not unbearable. It feels as though they were onto something, with a feeling the creators of bioshock took some inspiration from ideas in this game. As said the structure to the story is good, it just seemed to be missing some fine tuning to make it feel a bit more natural. There is supposed to be a comedic approach to this game although it comes off very dry and unnoticed, and I guess seems more like bad acting, or bad placement. That is really my only real issue I feel if the story was a bit more serious this game would have been huge. The clowns look scary, but they tickle you to death. A toilet sound is heard when you kill a zombie maid.
All in all it is a great remaster to the original whether you played the pc or 3do version. You also get the classic pc version along with it, it's just too bad you can't get the original 3do version. On your next adventure into the 90's grab this forgotten relic.
****Intresting glitch i noticed if you awaken Seth then exit, and start a new game. Seth with be waiting for you at the beginning of the game.